Tropic of Capricorn

by Mitch Tomas Cave


mosquitoed telephones ring

around my moss disconnect

or violet lips corroded into

past judgements and poor eyesight

without intention to leave

mumbling along with wavecrest

in moon song with whale

i am forming an army

helicopter ringing from ear to ear

you won’t see me coming

morphed chandeliers enchanting my exit

as well as the vials of blood

donated because you

are the parts inside of me that

need to be diagnosed

or how you are soft like nightfall

how it clings to uncontaminated leaves

cloaked around our wingspans

or there’s always going to be mountains

somewhere nearby and blood

will always make me shiver

incapacitated and

swallowing watermelon seeds

my neon fingertips cannot press

into your skull anymore


About the author

Mitch Tomas Cave is based on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. His writing has appeared in Australian Poetry Anthology, Cordite, Rabbit, Voiceworks, Plumwood Mountain, and numerous others. He was shortlisted for the 2018 Subbed In Chapbook Prize.