Artist Statement

Gillian Kayrooz, $kimmed Milk, Video, 2017, Single Channel HD, Colour, Sound, 16:9, 7:30 mins

$kimmed Milk is a video work that celebrates the expression of youth culture slang and suburban identities formulated through the exploration of the anti-narrative. The video proposes modalities of the unfamiliar that are seen through altered found spaces, fashion, real-time responses, acts of transgression and exaggerated editing. It seeks to escape and transcend highly constructed forms of contemporary youth as portrayed by social media, into a relatable yet heightened version of modern slang and behaviour.

The utopic space, set in a suburban ghost town, is home to the protagonist of the work who guides us through her surreal breakup with her partner in the form of a visual degustation. This comes with advice from her friend, mid haircut, and help from a futuristic milkman who provides some liqueur to aid the emotional trauma. The involvement of their transgressive behaviours open the potential for more complex emotional and psychological states. This otherworldly environment provokes the works unruly interactions and relationships allowing the absurdity of the characters to expand the spatio-temporal dimensions beyond the screen.


About the author

Gillian Kayrooz is an emerging artist whose cross disciplinary practice challenges the commercialization of suburbia, culture and tradition in the digital age. Currently studying her honours degree at the Sydney College of the Arts while majoring in Screen Arts, Kayrooz examines video’s potential to appropriate reality into a devised surreal story, revealing the documentary style influences and identity driven origins of her practice. Her development of transgressive characters and personas within spaces that hold no notable structures of time, seek to transcend the highly constructed forms of current youth culture as portrayed by social media. This relatable yet heightened version of modern slang and behaviour has been developed into her practice through a multitude of disciplines and has been presented across Australia and East-Asia.