this is only a dream

by Vanessa Maki


we are finally free


our bodies won't be used for


anything anymore


we won't be drained


of our essence anymore


(this is only a dream)


& my feet can take me down the aisles


of a store without any damn problems


no one will watch me ever again


paranoia can’t nip at my heels


(this is only a dream)


we can put our hoodies on without a problem


we are free & free is us


(this is only a dream)


my eyes no longer watch nervously


when i enter a room full of white people


my mouth is no longer forcing itself to smile


my hair is no longer a question


i am genuinely tasting freedom


in a world that never


wanted us to have any


[this is only a dream]


About the author

Vanessa Maki is a queer writer, artist & blk feminist. Her work has appeared/is forthcoming in a variety of places. She's EIC of rose quartz magazine & is involved in other spaces as well. Find her on twitter, instagram & visit her site.