🛰 Please Laika Me: The Sydney NYWF Satellite event is tonight! 🛰

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at Please Laika Me tonight! If you haven’t already registered, don’t forget to book your free ticket by clicking here 😎

When: 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm, tonight!

Where: Haymarket Library, 744 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

Cost: FREE!

Alas, if you can’t register for whatever reason you can still attend! Entry is totally free so please do show up this evening and bring your friends, fiends, and family!

Wait, what the hat is Please Laika Me?

It is well known that Laika was the first person in space but what is Please Laika Me? Good question, comrade! Here’s the full run down:

The National Young Writers’ Festival touches down in Sydney for one-night-only. Join City of Sydney Library and Subbed In for a night of workshops, interactive installations and performances. Get some performance tips, test your material and meet other young writers from interstate. You can also make, sell and buy some zines.


Feature readers include Kiwi poet, Hera Lindsay Bird who has developed a cult following, poet and co-founder of Bankstown Poetry Slam, Sara Mansour, and poet and critic, Melody Paloma. They’ll be supported by 1-minute open mic spots in which punters can trial their workshop material.

Digital Poetry

Meet poets who create in the digital sphere and interact with their work. Featuring digital innovators Peter Wildman and Karen Lowry.

Zine Lab: Zines, Zines, Zines!

Learn zine-making from the best including seasoned pros Bastian Fox Phelan, Jesse Anderson and Shareeka Helaluddin. Plus snap up some zines for your collection or even sell your own.

The Workshops

Let’s Get Loud

Stacey Teague and Dan Hogan from Subbed In will provide emerging writers with a safe space to learn, discuss and practice the art of reading and performing their work in public.

Writing to Constraints

Join award-winning writers, Holly Isemonger and Dave Drayton, as they present a range of modes and methods for generating new writing and ideas.

This drug and alcohol-free event is suitable for ages 16+. Performances may contain course language and adult concepts.

Bookings are essential. You can sign up on the night for the workshops and activities you want to participate in. Some have limited capacity, so places are on a first in best dressed basis.

Haymarket Library is wheelchair friendly.
