subbed in: lock in


our next event is nigh! come along for an afternoon of poetry-related videos and chill times. fb event for full details:

**important venue info**

~~~ the address for this venue will be messaged to ppl who have clicked ‘attending’ only. if u don’t get a message before sunday just post below and we will sort you out ~~~

the event will be a chill sunday afternoon affair feat. a screening of poetry-related videos. let’s get cosy and watch some high qual moving pictures together.

videos made by or featuring:

Talia Smith

Spencer Madsen

DJ Berndt

Natalie Chin

Victoria Manifold

Hannah Jacobs

Meggie Green

Johnny Bryan

Sarah Jean Alexander

LK Shaw

Sam Riviere

Joe Dunthorne

Vicki Tingle

Stacey Teague

Crispin Best

Sarah Walker

Izzy Roberts-Orr

Holly Isemonger

♥ ♥ ♥

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