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Listed below are some retailers who currently stock Subbed In books either online or in their brick-and-mortar shops. Please note this is not an exhaustive list. These are only the retailers who have been brought to our attention as stocking Subbed In titles. If you know a stockist that is not listed, please get in touch with us at: and we’ll add it.

If you are a bricks-and-mortar retailer interesting in stocking Subbed In books, please get in touch: or check out our Bookseller and Retailer Guide to find out how to you can consign Subbed In titles (it’s super easy).

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Via Ingram Book Group, all Subbed In titles are automatically made available to tens of thousands of retailers, libraries, schools, e-commerce companies, and independent bookstores, and other well-known book retailers and wholesalers across North America.

Among others, online and IRL stockists include: